Bhubaneswar Buzz

Esplanade Bhubaneswar hopes to be ready by 2018

esplanade bhubaneswar

Kolkata-based real estate developer Forum Grouphas commenced construction of Rs 500 crore shopping malland office space complex at Rasulgarhsquare in Bhubaneswar. Titled as ‘Esplanade by Forum’, the project will consist of a 4 lakh square feet shopping mall including an eight-screen multiplex and 2.5 lakh square feet luxury office spaces. Additionally, the project will have parking facility for over 1000 cars. The entire 500-crore project will be executed by Leighton Group from Australia, one of the world’s biggest contractors. The facade of the project is inspired by Odisha’s famous weave pattern and will use materials never before used in India.

Also Read: Small part of Bhubaneswar in India’s historic Mangalayan mission

